Mobile development is the process of developing applications for mobile devices. That could be real apps; standalone applications. But also progressive web apps; applications built on existing internet technologies.
As web3 systems are most of the time combined with mobile apps, Ledger Leopard is experienced in developing high-quality native and hybrid apps for different use cases in multiple areas.
Ledger Leopard provides skilled senior mobile developers to our customers, that are able to work with different types of mobile languages and API layers. We provide the following types of mobile developers:

Swift is a new programming language from Apple, built by Apple, that builds on the techniques learned in Objective-C, but modernizes them to include shorter syntax and easier readability, maintainability, and safety to prevent crashes. Swift is based on modern practices that are also seen in other modern programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, and Kotlin. Swift is available in the most recent versions of Xcode and can be used to build apps from iOS 7 or later, and macOS devices dating back to Mac OS X 10.9 or later.
The Ledger Leopard iOS development team consists of a team of skilled senior developers that brought multiple apps bug-free to the Apple App Store.

Android software development is the process by which applications are created for devices running the Android operating system. Google states that “Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages” using the Android software development kit (SDK), while using other languages is also possible.
The Ledger Leopard Android development team consists of a team of skilled senior developers that brought multiple apps bug-free to the Google Play Store.

React Native is an open-source framework created by Facebook with a declarative programming paradigm for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. React Native combines the best parts of native development with React, a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
The Ledger Leopard React Native development team consists of a team of skilled senior developers that brought multiple hybrid apps bug-free to the Google Play store and Apple App Store.