Self custody in crypto means having complete control over one’s digital assets without relying on third-party intermediaries.

Self Custody Meaning

Imagine holding the reins to your digital wealth—this is the essence of self custody. You take full control and responsibility for your digital assets, sidestepping the need for third-party services. It’s a fundamental shift from traditional financial reliance on banks to a more autonomous approach.

Understanding Self Custody in Crypto

Web3, the next internet iteration, champions decentralization. It empowers you to own your digital assets outright. No middlemen, no extra hands—just you and your assets. Self custody is the embodiment of this principle, offering a way to be your own bank through non-custodial wallets.

The Trust Factor in Asset Custody

Historically, we’ve trusted banks and governments with our assets. In Web3, using centralized exchanges means handing over your private keys. Trust is mandatory. Self custody, however, cuts out the middleman. You manage your assets, you maintain security—it’s all on you.

What is a Self-Custody Wallet?

A self-custody wallet is your decentralized safe for cryptocurrencies. It doesn’t store your assets per se but holds the keys to access them on the blockchain. It’s like a debit card to your funds—your assets lie within the blockchain, and the wallet is your access point.