A light node is a blockchain component that holds only block headers, enabling it to operate with minimal resources and rely on full nodes for detailed information.

Understanding Light Nodes

Within the blockchain network, a light node plays a vital role, especially for users with devices that have limited capabilities. Unlike their counterparts—full nodes—light nodes do not bear the burden of storing the entire blockchain. Instead, they keep a succinct version of the data necessary to engage with the network effectively.

What is a Light Node?

A light node, or lightweight node, is a component of a blockchain network that holds only essential information, such as block headers. These headers provide a summary of a block’s contents and are used to identify blocks on the blockchain. The advantage of light nodes is their minimal resource requirement, allowing them to run on devices with constrained storage and processing power.

Light Node Vs Full Node

Functions of Light Nodes

Light nodes connect to full nodes to validate information on the blockchain. They perform transaction verification through a process known as simplified payment verification (SPV). This method allows them to confirm transactions without needing the complete blockchain data.