Cryptography is the practice of securing information by converting it into a code, preventing unauthorized access, and is essential for maintaining digital security and privacy.

Cryptography Meaning

Cryptography is the art of protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format, known as cipher, to shield it from unauthorized access. It is a cornerstone of secure communication in the digital age, ensuring privacy and integrity of data.

What Is Cryptography?

At its core, cryptography encodes data to prevent unintended recipients from understanding it. The process converts plaintexts into ciphertexts using a cipher. Only those with the correct private key can revert it to its original form.

Cryptography in Blockchain

Blockchain technology relies heavily on cryptography for security measures. Bitcoin, for example, uses cryptographic functions to:

Cryptographic Methods in Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies utilize two main types of cryptography:

  1. Symmetric Key Cryptography: A single key for both encryption and decryption, posing challenges in secure key distribution.
  2. Asymmetric Key Cryptography: Uses a key pair for encryption and decryption, enhancing security across untrusted networks.

Digital Signature

A digital signature functions as an electronic validation of identity, similar to a handwritten signature, confirming the origin and integrity of digital data.