A block reward refers to the crypto awarded to a miner or validator for successfully adding a new block to the blockchain. It consists of transaction fees and a block subsidy, serving as an incentive and a method to distribute new coins.

Understanding Block Rewards

A block reward is a form of incentive provided by blockchain protocols to miners or validators. It’s a way to encourage participation in the network’s processes. These rewards are crucial for the security and ongoing operations of a blockchain.

Components of a Block Reward

The Role of Miners and Validators

Miners and validators play a key role in blockchain networks. They ensure the integrity of the transaction record and receive block rewards as compensation for their efforts.

Security and Decentralization

By rewarding miners, blockchains aim to attract more participants. This increase in miners enhances the security of the network and helps prevent potential attacks.

Bitcoin’s Block Reward System

Bitcoin, for instance, started with a block reward of 50 BTC. Its system includes a halving event every 210,000 blocks, reducing the block subsidy by half. This is designed to maintain a balance between supply and demand.